Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Puzzle Me This

When I was a kid, I loved puzzles. Puzzles gave me something to do in the winter in Oklahoma and also gave me a sense of accomplishment when I was done. My Mother was a master puzzle strategist. I'll never forget her first lesson. She said before you start a puzzle you have to find the four corners and edges and work your way in. Of course this process gave you your frame and from there it was a matter of color coordinating and hours of going, "damn!"

 I wrote on the Top 20 bad habits in my previous blog that I developed over the years that catapulted me into the century club of weight gain (100 plus pounds). It was done to begin my research and answer questions to how I got to be in that club. My history was important to look at if I am going to break the cycle of bad habits I'm currently in.  I spent thirty days reading and reviewing material from various magazines, Internet articles, and editorials.

Having found the Top 20 habits that most resembled me, I am hypothesizing that if I tackle those 20 issues I will have a healthier life and back to a more desirable weight. They are the corners and edges I need to start my puzzle.

If I have learned one un-debatable truth. You can't change everything overnight. Just like a puzzle you are trying to transform from a mess of pieces to one beautiful picture, so must I take my approach back to returning my body to a normal state. A puzzle takes time. Each piece represents a solution, but only in sections. But you have to have a system my mother taught. 

I've decided to develop a system for myself to deal with this weight puzzle of mine. 52 weeks of 10 specific goals each week. Each goal will have a point value of one. I came up with this after I wrote in my personal journal for this last week in Gainesville,FL....

Last weeks victories:

* reduced consumption of Alcohol tremendously!
* did not have seconds
* sought out vegetables
* worked out late night with cardio and didn't eat after 8p.

Last weeks failures:

* ate after show 2/3 nights.
* did not eat complete healthy meals
* not consistent with breakfast
* could have done better with water  

So for this week in Des Moines the goals are graded as followed:

Papi's Top 10 goals for week 1 of 52.

5 consumption goals 

1. drink no more than 2 beers and 2 shots per show night (thurs fri sat) and NO drinking during week.
2. Reduce cigarettes to 2 per show night.
3. 7 of 7 breakfast meals, no skipping.
4. WATER:  2 glasses before every meal. Water only for whole week.
5. Portion control: hand size for protein, 4 finger width for veggies. Index to thumb for carbs.

5 activity goals 

1. walk each morning and evening after show for at least 30 minutes. 7/7
2. 3 days of fully body workout 3/3 
3. 7-8 hours in bed by 3am (shows over at 2am) up no later than 10:30am
4.  limit sitting to 30 minutes at a time
5. Stairs at all times! 

Total of 10 possible points that are graded like school.

A: 9-10 pts
B: 8 pts
C: 7 pts
F: 0-6 pts

Those puzzles that I put together back in those days took focus and dedication. It wouldn't become the picture I wanted unless I put the work In. I would imagine the same can be said for tins journey.

Your prayers, advice, cheers and consoling help tremendously. I want that beautiful picture to be completed so I can feel accomplished and healthy. The puzzles back then couldn't offer both of those. This one can.

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